How to use the CACOR Discussion Forums

This is a page of helpful hints and Pro Tips for using the CACOR Discussion Forums.  Please let us know if you have any questions, and we'll add more information here too.

Let's start with some important pointers:

  • If you are creating a new topic, please make sure you are adding it to the most appropriate Forum.  There are several Interest Areas to choose from.  Selecting wisely means that your post goes to the best audience for it!

  • If you Subscribe to a Forum or a Topic, you will get an email when someone posts a new topic or reply, which a subject like "Daily summary of updates for xxxxx from Canadian Association for the Club of Rome".  Please DO NOT REPLY to that email.  You will not be replying to the person who wrote the post, you will be replying to the membership website administrator.

    That email will also have links which you can click to go directly to the new post!


Viewing a post

To view a post from the summary page, hover over the subject and click on the green box that appears.  To view a post from your subscription email notification, click on the underlined subject line to go to that post on the membership site.

Replying to a post

If you have commenting privileges (which might vary by Forum), you can reply to a post publicly or (sometimes) privately to the writer.  There are two ways to reply publicly:

  1. To post a simple reply, click on the REPLY button.  (If you don't see one, then that forum has restricted access.)
  2. If you want to quote the original post in your reply, click on the three vertical dots next to the Message # box.  Then click on the QUOTE button.

To reply privately, you can try clicking on the underlined author's name.  If they allow it, the next page might have a Message button to contact the author directly.

Creating a new a topic

If you have posting privileges (which might vary by Forum), you can create a new topic from the Forum page by clicking the CREATE TOPIC button.  Please take care to create your post in the most appropriate forum.

Editing/deleting one of your posts

If you want to edit/delete the content of one of your own posts, you can do so any time after it is posted.  Simply go to the actual post and click on the three vertical dots next to the Message # box.  Then click on the EDIT or DELETE buttons.

Being notified of new topics and replies

This system can send you an email immediately, daily, or weekly when new topics (or replies) appear in a forum you are interested in.  You do this by subscribing to the forum.  Subscribe by clicking Subscribe to Forum (next to the CREATE TOPIC button) on that specific forum page.

The default is a daily summary email whenever there is activity in that forum.  To set it to immediate or weekly, view your profile and click on the Email Subscriptions tab at the top.

You can also subscribe to a single topic, instead of the entire forum.  To do so, go to the specific topic and click Subscribe to Topic at the top.

Viewing your profile
Click here to go to your profile page.  You can also click on the  icon at the top-right and select "View Profile" at any time.

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