Hi everyone:
I am promoting an initiative to craft a position statement from CACOR on Climate Change. I've already been working with some key members (of diverse opinions) to refine some wording. We want to get it to the point where the statement has impact, but is also something that most (if not all) CACOR members can fully support.
The next step is to open it up for some general feedback. Please share your thoughts on any of the nine parts given below:.
Thanks for your input!
CACOR Statement on Climate Change - 2025
1. CACOR accepts that our [current global warming crisis] is primarily [due to] the excessive burning of fossil fuels (such as coal, oil, and natural gas) globally. Secondary significant factors include excessive and unsustainable agriculture (such as livestock and rice cultivation), deforestation, and greenhouse gas by-products from concrete and steel construction. <Edited>
2. CACOR believes that such activities (the excessive burning of fossil fuels, and the secondary factors listed above) are direct results of an economic paradigm that demands impossible constant growth and overconsumption. The crisis-causing activities are therefore symptoms of a far more complex systemic problem. Addressing just symptoms will not address the problem.
3. CACOR accepts that climate change is only one of multiple threats to human well-being – threats that include freshwater withdrawals, toxic chemical pollution, land conversion, Nitrogen/Phosphorus loading, biodiversity loss, etc. – collectively known as ecological overshoot.
4. CACOR believes that the dominance of the human population across the entire planet poses a serious threat to the continuance of other species and the availability of critical resources. Our growing numbers are obviously a factor in ecological overshoot. Still, a more immediate concern is our chosen standard of living, and the increasing disparity between the richest and the poorest people. The total present human economic activity on the planet far exceeds that which would be required to meet the basic human needs of every living person, and yet many live without those needs being met.
5. CACOR believes that[, setting aside] the current human population level[,] all of the components of ecological overshoot and biosphere destruction can be directly attributed to the flawed economic paradigm that now demands constant growth and overconsumption. In other words, so long as civilization is based on the principle that more is always better, and fails to implement models based on sufficiency and degrowth (among other value changes), the prospects for humanity’s future will get worse. <Edited>
6. CACOR believes that, other than reducing detrimental extraction effects, replacing fossil fuels with renewable energy sources will not significantly reduce the threats from all the other non-atmospheric components of ecological overshoot. In fact, attempting such replacement at scale might worsen chemical pollution, land conversion, biodiversity loss, etc.
7. CACOR understands and does not disparage the motivations of those who just demand the reduction of the burning of fossil fuels, but also accepts that such reductions will be resisted by powerful entities in proportion to the benefit they derive from that practice.
8. CACOR believes that global warming has already created a need for environmental justice, whereby populations who benefited most from behaviours that caused this crisis owe an obligation to vulnerable populations most seriously suffering its impacts.
9. CACOR concludes that it is strategically ineffective to attempt to take action against the impacts of climate change, or even to address causal factors (such as the excessive burning of fossil fuels globally), without primarily focusing on overconsumption (i.e. the economic paradigm that drives all of ecological overshoot).
[A copy of the above statements is attached as a Word Document.]